Roger Pantos

Industry Fellow: Ali C. Begen

Two things are infinite: the universe and problems in the streaming space; and I’m not sure about the streaming space. The SVTA has achieved so much already and will continue doing so. It is growing and its impact will be growing, too. I am delighted to be recognized as an SVTA Industry Fellow. I would say that years of research, development and teamwork have paid off. My gratitude, special thanks and congratulations go to all my colleagues, collaborators and students.

About Ali C.

Roger joined Apple in 1995. Since 2005 he has been focused on improving the end-user experience of audio and video streaming across a wide range of applications.

Industry Accomplishments

  • Development of the HTTP Live Streaming RFC for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and continued development on the specification
  • Dozens of patents related to streaming video